Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bird house gourds

Over the last weekend in February we made bird house gourds. They are a certain type of gourds left to dry for a few months. While they are drying they become incredibly light. Then you use a knife and sandpaper to take off all of the skin. You let them sit for a day then you use bleach mixed with water and use a brush to cover the gourd in the mix. the bleach will get it wet, and that will help the skin that is left to come off. :Note do Not let the bleach touch your clothes. Once the are dry from the bleach buy paint that is nice to the birds and paint your gourd. finally drill a hole for the birds and you have yourself a bird house gourd!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great summary of how you make your bird house. I think you should put that in the school newspaper.
